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Woocommerce checkout Later


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What is it & How it works

WooCommerce Checkout Later is a very useful plugin for your WooCommerce Store. In the following cases your customers may leave the shop without purchasing your products:

  • When they are in a hurry and don’t have time
  • When they run out of money

In the above cases, they can simply save their products for checkout later and leave the store. So when they decided to purchase their products, they no need to spend again their precious time to search for the products. They simply go to their saved cart and checkout in a single step. This ultimately gives your customers a wonderful experience and increase your sales.



  • Checkout later button text : Admin can change the button text here
  • Button position on cart page : Admin can choose one of two options(After coupon, After cart totals) for Checkout Later button position on cart page.
  • My account page menu title : Admin can set the title of the menu item in customers my account page
  • Empty the cart after save : Checking this box will empty the cart of the customer after they save it for later
  • Clear existing cart’s products : If Admin want to override user current cart products when he/she restores the saved cart, check this box.


  • Checkout Later : By clicking on “Checkout Later”, customer can store the cart in saved carts.
  • Give your own name : Customers can give their own name to saved carts and can save infinite number of saved carts.
  • Manage saved carts : Customers can manage(view, restore, share, delete) their saved carts from My account > Saved Carts
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